Cadereyta de Montes

Cadereyta de Montes, Querétaro, Mexico

Coat of Arms
Latitude 20.34° - 21.03° N
Longitude 99.23° - 99.53° W
Municipal president Abelardo Antonio Ledesma Fregoso (PRI)
Surface 1,131km²
Population (2005) 57,204
HDI (2000) 0.7074
Time zone (UTC) -6 UTC CST
GDP (per capita) (2000) US$3.112,00
Official website:

Cadereyta de Montes is the largest municipality by area in the state of Querétaro, Mexico. Its seat was founded in 1640, and it received its current name in 1642 to honor Viceroy Don Lope Diez de Armendáriz, Marquis of Cadereyta. In 1904 the Montes last name was added to honor the lawyer Ezequiel Montes.

The region was quite important during the Spanish rule of Mexico, since it was a post from where the main trade routes were defended from attacks of the Indians of the Sierra Gorda. From its conception, the city was intended to become quite important. It received the status of Alcaldía mayor in 1689, thus becoming the dominant city in this part of the actual State.

There is a famous greenhouse called Finca Schmoll, where a large collection of desert plants is preserved.

Population (2000): 51 688, Area: 1 364 km².

External links